
8h30 – 8h55                      Registration
8h55 – 9h                         Symposium introduction
9h – 10h30
Session 1: Macrophage development and identities
9h – 9h25
Andreas Schlitzer (LIMES Bonn, Germany)
Molecular control of functional specialization of monocyte-derived macrophages
9h25 – 9h50
Elisa Gomez-Perdiguero (Institut Pasteur Paris, France)
Contribution of macrophage ontogeny to health and disease
9h50 – 10h15
Melanie Greter (Zurich University, Switzerland)
Regulation and function of macrophages at the maternal-fetal interface
10h15 – 10h30
Young Investigator Presentation
Title: Selected abstract
10h30 – 11h                      Coffee break
11h – 12h30
Session 2: Macrophages in inflammation
11h – 11h25
Johan Garaude (ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux)
Microbial viability orchestrates the metabolic reprogramming of macrophages
11h25 – 11h50
Florian Sennlaub (Institut de la Vision, Paris)
How genetic risk variants of age-related macular degeneration shape inflammation
11h50 – 12h15
Renato Ostuni (HSR Milano, Italy)
Transcriptional control of myeloid cell identity and activation
12h15 – 12h30
Young Investigator Presentation
Title: Selected abstract
12h30 – 14h                       Lunch/poster session
14h – 15h30
Session 3: Macrophages in diseases
14h – 14h25
Stoyan Ivanov (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice)
Brown adipose tissue myeloid cell diversity and functions
14h25 – 14h50
Alexandre Boissonnas (CIMI, Paris)
Visualizing the spatial organization in situ of monocytes, septal, and parenchymal macrophages by non-linear optical imaging
14h50 – 15h15
Jerome Martin (CR2TI, Nantes)
Myeloid dysregulation in Crohn's disease
15h15 – 15h30
Young Investigator Flash Presentation
Selected abstract
15h30 – 16h                      Coffee break
16h – 16h30
Session 4: Brain macrophages
16h – 16h25
Claudia Pasqualini (IGR, Villejuif)
Microglia-sufficient brain organoids : from neurodevelopment to pediatric oncology
16h25 – 16h50
Etienne Audinat (IGF, Montpellier)
Microglial TNFalpha increases excitatory synaptic transmission during epileptogenesis by activating purinergic signaling in astrocytes
16h50 – 17h15
Morgane Thion (IBENS, Paris)
Early invaders of the brain: embryonic colonization and function of microglia
17h15 – 17h30
Young Investigator Presentation
Title: Selected abstract
17h30 – 17h45                   Concluding remarks and departure
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